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Working with Flags

The creating, updating, and deleting of feature flags occurs via the application running at http://localhost:3001

Create a new flag

To add a flag, first click into the app that the flag will belong to. This brings up a screen showing all of the feature flags related to that particular app. Click on the orange addition icon to bring up the add and edit flag modal. Enter a name and description for the new flag and click create.

Gif of Tailslide UI creating new flag

Toggling a flag

Click on the toggle icon on the right of the flag to activate and deactivate it.

Gif of Tailslide UI toggling a flag

Edit a flag

Click on a flag to bring up information about that flag. Click the edit button to bring up the add and edit flag modal. Make any desired changes and click save.

Gif of Tailslide UI editing a flag

Deleting a flag

Click on a flag to bring up the information screen. Use the delete button to remove that flag.

Gif of Tailslide UI deleting a flag